The story of Poppies Pre-School - an inspiring Froebelian early years setting which cares for babies and young children up to the age of 5. A setting where uninterrupted play leads to deep learning and gives young children a sense of belonging.
Play is about wallowing in ideas, feelings and relationships...
Poppies Pre-School in Laurencekirk, Aberdeenshire (Scotland) has adopted a Froebelian approach to its work with babies and young children.
Poppies was shortlisted for the prestigious "Nursery of the Year Award" at the Nursery World Awards 2024.
The high quality of the educators at Poppies' work with young children was also noted in their last inspection report (March 2023):
"The service supports a Froebelian ethos and children were at the heart of all planning. This was focussed on developing skills for life. Children were recognised as capable and responsible and were developing a love of learning through play experiences... The setting was warm, welcoming and inviting for the children and families. It was evident that children mattered, and they had been valued and respected throughout the development of this high-quality learning environment..."
The Care Inspectorate

In May 2024, two educators (Chloe McLaughlin and Kerri Stephen) from Poppies Pre-School appeared as guests on the Froebel Trust Podcast - Episode 11 (Time to focus on babies in early years settings). This episode explored what it’s like working in a baby room today and reflected on the skills and knowledge educators caring for babies need. Listen now.
Sharon Imray, Headteacher at Poppies, was awarded a Froebel Trust action research grant in 2023 for a project designed to further develop inclusive practice at the setting. The project - A Sense of Belonging - posed the question, “Are we doing everything to ensure that every child/family in our community has a sense of belonging?”.
Sharon shared the learning from this project with early years leaders and educators from across the UK during a Froebel Trust webinar 'Let's talk about race in the early years' (held in July 2024).
The team at Poppies is currently working in partnership with another setting in Scotland on a new Froebel Trust funded project - Weaving Together - developing the use of Froebel's Occupation of weaving to bring young children, families and their local community closer together. This project will report back in Autumn 2025.
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Take a look at our unique, highly respected series of short courses for educators and carers in nursery schools and early years settings. The courses are led by Dr Stella Louis.
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