If you've always wanted to know more about a Froebelian approach to early education - and how you might set out to develop practice in your school or setting - then the Froebel Trust podcast is for you!
The Froebel Trust podcast series is created for educators and early years leaders interested in finding out what a Froebelian approach to early education is all about.
The podcast is presented by journalist Colin Kelly. New episodes are released throughout the year. Listen in on a series of inspiring conversations all about early learning and Froebelian practice.
Where can I listen to the podcast?
downloads of the Froebel Trust podcast since it launched in 2023
Episode 1: What does it take to become a Froebelian early years setting?
This first episode explores the difference a Froebel approach can make to young children's education. Our guests discuss ways an early years setting can adopt a Froebelian approach and look at what kinds of Froebelian training and support are available.
Guests: Simon Bateson, Sally Cave, Dr Stella Louis, Dr Lynn McNair OBE, Professor Chris Pascal OBE
Released Feb 2023.
Episode 2: Inside the Froebel based early years setting
Our host Colin Kelly asks his panel to explain more about the Froebel early years setting. What does it look like? And sound like? How would you know you were in a Froebel based nursery or early years centre? What sets it apart from others?
Guests: Simon Bateson, Sally Cave, Dr Stella Louis, Dr Lynn McNair OBE, Professor Chris Pascal OBE
Released Feb 2023.
Episode 3: Recognising children's individuality in early years settings
In this episode, Colin and guests discuss how educators can celebrate difference in early years settings. How can we make sure our schools and early years settings are welcoming places for everyone? And how might a Froebelian approach support early years educators to connect with families, carers and local communities?
Guests: Simon Bateson, Sally Cave, Dr Stella Louis, Dr Lynn McNair OBE, Professor Chris Pascal OBE
Released Feb 2023.
Episode 4: Block play for early learning
What is block play? In this episode Colin and guests discuss what block play looks like in early childhood education now - and find out more about the difference it can make to children's learning and development. How is playing with wooden blocks relevant to young children now? And what space and resources do early years settings and schools need to encourage young children's block play?
Guests: Lauren Gray, Paula Lester (previous surname Phillips), Jane Whinnett MBE
Released May 2023.
Episode 5: Taking play and learning outdoors in the early years
Froebel was a pioneering educator who invented kindergarten. The word kindergarten actually means ‘garden for children’. Froebel’s vision was for a garden which offered space for young children's play and exploration, with educators making time for children to be in contact with nature.
This episode explores outdoor play and young children's connections with nature. How can schools and early years settings support outdoor play for young children now? And, what if your setting is in the middle of the city or has very limited access to outdoor space?
Guests: Beverley Dickinson, Janice Marriott, Felicity Thomas, Holli Williams
Released June 2023.
Episode 6: Observation and assessment in early childhood education
This episode asks, how can a Froebelian educator navigate assessments, inspections and progress reporting systems in schools and early years settings today? What does Froebelian assessment look like in practice? And how might observing young children help educators to truly see what young children know, understand and are able to do?
"...we need to start with where the child is - and not come from that deficit model of focusing on what they don't know..." Gaynor Brimble
Guests: Dr Stella Louis and Gaynor Brimble
Released July 2023.
Episode 7: Relationships and wellbeing in early years settings
Froebel recognised that children thrive when they are emotionally secure and in close relationships with others - educators, families and carers.
Presenter, Colin Kelly and guests explore how children's wellbeing is connected to educators' wellbeing. They discuss ways that leaders can best support educators' wellbeing in their work with children and families in schools and early years settings.
"...relationships are absolutely at the heart of Froebelian practice... relationships deeply matter... there needs to be a space where practitioners/ educators can talk about their relationships..." Dr Peter Elfer
Guests: Dr Peter Elfer, Holli Williams, Dr Jools Page and Dr Robyn Dolby
Released Dec 2023.
Episode 8: Where are the men in early years education?
Recent data from the Department for Education suggests only 2% of the people who work in early years education in England are male. This episode of the Froebel Trust podcast asks - why does early childhood education continue to have one of the most gender imbalanced workforces? And what would Froebel, inventor of kindergarten, have made of this? Presenter Colin Kelly and his panel of guests consider how nursery school and early years setting leaders could support more men to work in early education.
"... if we really believe in giving children equal opportunities... it's all about challenging stereotypes. And we do that on a day to day basis within our settings. But our workforce is this giant stereotype, we've got a lot of work to do to challenge that..." Pete Moorhouse
Guests: Pete Moorhouse, Dr Shaddai Tembo, Matt Langton and Louie Werth
Released January 2024.
Episode 9: Can a Froebelian approach work in any kind of school or early years setting?
In this episode our panel of guests, all educators working in nursery schools and early years settings across the UK, share their personal stories about how they connected with a Froebelian approach and their experiences of changing the way they work with young children.
Today, there are so many kinds of settings, centres and schools offering early childhood education and supporting young children and their families - all working with diverse funding and governance systems. Our guests discuss with presenter Colin Kelly whether a Froebelian approach can still work in any kind of early years setting or school.
"I found, as lots of people do, that I was actually Froebelian by nature, but I just hadn't come across that terminology and hadn't realised how much I fitted, how much I belonged in the Froebelian pedagogy and principles..." Paula Phillips
Guests: Annamaria Bevan, Jessica Holme, Paula Lester (previous surname Phillips) and Craig Taylor
Released February 2024.
Episode 10: Special edition
A special episode to celebrate 12 months since the Froebel Trust podcast was first launched - with over 10,000 downloads of the series so far!
A 40minute, informative and thought-provoking compilation of extracts from the series - featuring inspiring conversations about early learning.
The series has been created for all educators who work with babies and young children. This episode, presented by Colin Kelly, will take you on whistle-stop tour of the past nine episodes - introducing many of the guests and experts who've appeared on the series to date.
A chance to catch up on previous episodes and find out what a Froebelian approach to early childhood education is all about... before more, brand new episodes are released later this Spring.
Released April 2024
Episode 11: Time to focus on babies in early years settings
Babies are often overlooked in discussions about early childhood education and care today. With the rapid expansion of baby room provision in England underway - with new government funded childcare support being offered from September 2024 to working parents with a child from 9 months old – it's time to focus on the experiences, rights and needs of babies in early years settings
This episode of the Froebel Trust podcast explores what it’s like working in a baby room today. What skills and knowledge do educators caring for babies need? Are early years settings ready to welcome more babies? And how might a Froebelian approach support educators in their work with babies?
"....we've had this astronomical growth in particularly private sector provision for very young children, and that's only going to grow in England from September this year. I think we have to find a way of ensuring that babies have environments that are specifically designed for them... We need to think about space. We need to think about cosy spaces. We need to think about access to gardens..." Dr Caroline Guard
"... we really need to wind back, slow down, allow ourselves to slow down with our children, allow our children to slow down and allow practitioners to slow down..." Julia Manning-Morton
Guests: Dr Caroline Guard, Julia Manning-Morton, Chloe McLaughlin, Kerri Stephen
Released May 2024
Episode 11 resources & links
Episode 12: Developing language and literacy in the early years
In this episode, guest presenter Dr Kate Smith (Froebel Trust Travelling Tutor) looks at the ways educators can support babies and young children's language and literacy in schools and settings today. Kate is joined by a panel of experts, sharing the latest research and exploring a holistic approach to developing literacy in early childhood education. Together they discuss how babies learn language, the use of phonics in schools, the importance of singing, play, storytelling and much more...
"...rhythm is the hidden glue that underpins all the world's language systems..."
Prof. Usha Goswami
"This idea that there's one way to teach children to learn to read is just not tenable..."
Prof. Dominic Wyse
Guests: Prof. Usha Goswami, Jane Whinnett, Prof. Dominic Wyse
Released June 2024
Episode 12 resources & links
Episode 13: In conversation with Professor Tina Bruce
A special edition of the Froebel Trust podcast bringing together two highly respected champions of the Early Years sector - Liz Roberts (former Editor-in-Chief, Nursery World) in conversation with Professor Tina Bruce CBE. This episode was recorded in the week leading up to the 2024 UK General Election. During their conversation, they discuss the state of early childhood education today and hopes for the future.
"The thing I care about most is that if children are going to be in group settings, they need to be with nurturing, knowledgeable adults."
Prof. Tina Bruce CBE
Guests: Liz Roberts, Prof. Tina Bruce CBE
Released July 2024
Episode 13 resources & links
Episode 14: Supporting children with additional needs in early years settings
At a time of year when many young children are joining settings and schools for the first time - this podcast episode explores how educators can support and welcome every child. How can educators today ensure that they are offering a truly inclusive environment which allows all children to play and learn?
"One of the key Froebelian principles is starting where the learner is at, letting the child be the stage they are at and not focusing constantly on pushing them to reach the next stage... A Froebelian approach is all about respecting diversity, respecting that all children are different..."
Eve Mawby Whistler
Guests: Dr Agnes Agyepong, Janice Marriott, Eve Mawby Whistler
Episode 14 resources & links
Episode 15: Empowering early years leaders
In this episode, presenter Colin Kelly and his guests discuss the the main challenges facing leaders in early childhood education today. What does being "a leader" mean in nursery schools and early years settings? And how might a Froebelian approach support leaders in their work with educators, young children and families? This episode is packed with advice and inspiration for anyone starting out in their first leadership role and for those who are keen to develop leadership skills.
"...leadership can not just be with one person. It can't be assigned to a job title... leadership has to be throughout everything you do... giving everybody that confidence and the skills to be able to lead in their own way, in ways that suits them..."
Sam Jones, Headteacher, Tremorfa Nursery School
Guests: Simon Bateson, Kayla Halls, Sam Jones
Released December 2024
Episode 15 resources & links
Episode 16: Play and early learning environments
This episode explores the ways educators and leaders in early years settings can develop play and learning environments which inspire and truly reflect children's interests. Find out what the key ingredients of a Froebelian early years setting are today.
"... it's really important to think about how the children feel... Do they feel secure? Do they feel that sense of curiosity - that they want to investigate and find out more?" Emma Short, Headteacher, Camborne Nursery School
Guests: Helen Adams, Liam Graham, Emma Short, Helen Tovey
Released January 2025
Episode 16 resources & links
Find out more about our podcast guest speakers...
Helen Adams
Dr Agnes Agyepong
Simon Bateson
Annamaria Bevan
Gaynor Brimble
Professor Tina Bruce CBE
Sally Cave
Beverley Dickinson
Dr Robyn Dolby
Dr Peter Elfer
Professor Usha Goswami
Liam Graham
Lauren Gray
Dr Caroline Guard
Kayla Halls
Jessica Holme
Samantha Jones
Matt Langton
Paula Lester (previous surname Phillips)
Dr Stella Louis
Julia Manning-Morton
Janice Marriott
Chloe McLaughlin
Dr Lynn McNair OBE
Pete Moorhouse
Dr Jools Page
Professor Christine Pascal OBE
Liz Roberts
Emma Short
Dr Kate Smith
Kerri Stephen
Craig Taylor
Dr Shaddai Tembo
Felicity Thomas
Helen Tovey
Louie Werth
Jane Whinnett MBE
Eve Mawby Whistler
Holli Williams
Professor Dominic Wyse
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Explore our range of resources, pamphlets and guides for educators interested in learning more about a Froebelian approach to early childhood education.
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