We offer a unique, highly respected series of short courses for educators and carers in nursery schools and early years settings.

The Froebel Trust courses have strengthened my principles in sustaining a child-centred and holistic approach to learning and development through play.

Nursery school educator, Wales

Our courses will take you and your team on an energising journey – supporting your work with young children, building on your knowledge and expertise.

A Froebelian approach to early education recognises the importance of play, learning through nature, practical hands-on learning and nurturing a child’s connection to their community.

Froebel Trust Short Courses are practical, hands-on courses which inspire and develop knowledgeable, nurturing and reflective educators.

Our highly experienced Froebelian tutors will teach our Short Courses in your school or setting, ensuring they are relevant to your local context and community.

Download a copy of our Short Courses brochure

Interested in booking a short course?

Call us on 020 8878 7546 or email us to find out more

Email us
Download a copy of our brochure to share with your colleagues

The Elements

The courses introduce Froebel’s main ideas and educational approach - we call them the ‘Elements’ of Froebelian practice.

Each Element takes two days to complete - with two of our tutors visiting your setting or a local venue. You can choose training dates that best suit your team.

Elements can be booked individually or in a block. We just ask that you complete Element 1 (An introduction to Froebelian practice) before booking any of the others.

Element 1

Element 2

Element 3

Element 4

Element 5

Element 6

After finishing the Froebel Trust Short Courses, I feel enthused and motivated about the simple changes I can make to improve my practice and the learning environment.

Early Years Practitioner, Scotland

What makes our Short Courses so special is the expertise, knowledge and experience of our trainers – known as the Froebel Travelling Tutors. The team of tutors includes headteachers, practitioners, early years leaders, teacher trainers, university lecturers and early years specialists. The team is led by Dr Stella Louis who was named Trainer of the Year at the Nursery World Awards 2023.

The Short Courses were created by world-leading Froebelian educator, Professor Tina Bruce who is senior advisor and mentor to the Travelling Tutor team. Our courses reflect the Education Endowment Foundation's recommendations on 'what makes professional development work'. Our courses:

  • Build knowledge
  • Motivate educators
  • Develop teaching techniques
  • Embed practice

Education Endowment Foundation, Guide to Effective Professional Development in the Early Years, April 2023

All the Elements include plenty of practical activities.

We don’t ask for course participants to have any prior knowledge about Froebelian education.

No written assignments are required as part of our courses.

The courses are created for everyone who works with babies and young children – regardless of their level of experience or prior qualification.

Looking for an online course?

Our online courses are delivered via live interactive sessions led by our experienced tutors. These start in September each year.

Find out more

Course costs and booking information

This was one of the best courses and training I have ever done... the tutors gave us so many great ideas!

EY Setting Leader, England

Our tutors

All our Travelling Tutors are skilled at tailoring the courses to meet the needs and expectations of different groups. Their teaching always starts from the course participants’ current knowledge and local circumstances, cultures and curriculum frameworks.

S Louis

Dr Stella Louis

Director, Froebel Trust Short Courses
Read bio
Carole bloch

Carole Bloch

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
S Cave

Sally Cave

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
B Dickinson

Beverley Dickinson

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
S Harding

Stephanie Harding

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
S Jno Baptiste

Shirley Jno-Baptiste

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
T Johnson

Tricia Johnson

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
R Joshi

Rachna Joshi

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
P Phillips

Paula Lester

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
J Manning Morton

Julia Manning-Morton

Travelling Tutor
Read bio

Thelma Miller

Travelling Tutor
Read bio

Pete Moorhouse

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
A Norman

Dr Amanda Norman

Travelling tutor
Read bio
L Parker

Dr Lucy Parker

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
K Razzall

Kate Razzall

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
K Smith

Dr Kate Smith

Travelling Tutor
Read bio

Dr Fengling Tang

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
F Thomas

Felicity Thomas

Travelling Tutor
Read bio

Helen Tovey

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
J Whinnett

Jane Whinnett MBE

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
E Whistler

Eve Mawby Whistler

Travelling Tutor
Read bio
H Williams

Holli Williams

Travelling Tutor
Read bio

Be inspired

Take a look at our collection of case studies - showing Froebelian practice being put into action all over the UK.

The team of educators at Ely and Caerau Children's Centre in Wales has been taking part in the Froebel Trust Short Courses (completing Element One of the courses in 2023). During this short film staff at the centre share their experiences of learning about Froebelian practice and the difference this has made to them, the children and families they work with.
Hear about how the Froebel Trust Short Courses have made a difference to the staff and children at Linden Tree Nursery Schools in South London.

The Froebel Trust Short Courses have improved our practice, shaped our environment and our staff teams. They have inspired us to learn more, know more and do more!

Head of Schools, Linden Tree Nursery Schools