A Froebel Trust webinar which explores the relevance of block play in current early years practice. Recorded in October 2020.
This webinar sees Jane Whinnett, author of our pamphlet Froebel's gifts and block play today, in conversation with Dr Jane Read (Froebel Trust pamphlet series editor), Professor Tina Bruce (Director of the Froebel Blockplay Research Group) and Catriona Gill (developer of the Education Scotland, Being Me through Block Play resource).
Introducing Froebel's Gifts, the panel discuss the relevance of block play in current early years practice and explores what wooden blocks in particular can offer young children and babies.
About Jane Whinnett
Jane Whinnettt is head teacher of two maintained schools in Edinburgh. After studying in Edinburgh, she completed her PGDE at the University of Christchurch in Canterbury. She taught throughout the primary school before specialising in the early years. While studying for a Diploma in Professional Studies in Early Education at the University of Edinburgh, she met a Froebelian and was inspired to continue her studies at the University of Roehampton. Most recently, she is a founder member of the Edinburgh Froebel Network and a tutor on the Froebel course at The University of Edinburgh.
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