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Recording now available of our latest Froebel Trust webinar exploring ways to introduce woodwork to young children.

Update: A recording of this popular event is now available to watch in our short film and video library.

Event details: Celebrating the release of a brand new Froebel Trust pamphlet, The wonder of woodwork, author and woodwork expert Pete Moorhouse will be sharing his experience of introducing woodwork to young children.

Tuesday 4 May 2021
7pm to 7.45pm
Free to attend (webinar is being held on Zoom)

Update (27 April) : All 1000 tickets for this webinar have now sold out. Please contact if you would like to be added to a waiting list.

The webinar will be chaired by Dr Sacha Powell, Chief Executive Officer of the Froebel Trust and Pete will be available during the webinar to answer any questions you may have about introducing woodwork in the early years.

The webinar is aimed at all those who work with and support young children - educators, parents, carers and all those interested in early childhood education and the care of young children.

The Froebel Trust pamphlet series explores themes and activities closely associated with Froebelian practice today. Have a look at the full list of titles available.

"There is something special about woodwork’s ability to engage young children. It is learning through doing."
Pete Moorhouse

Pete Moorhouse is an Early Years Creative Consultant and works regularly as an artist educator in settings. Froebelian principles very much inform his work with children. Pete is the author of several books, journal articles and pamphlets including Learning through Woodwork: Introducing Creative Woodwork in the Early Years (2018) and Woodwork in the Early Years (2019).

Pete is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Bristol, researching creative and critical thinking. As a Churchill Fellow he researched woodwork in early childhood education around the world and in 2019 Pete was awarded the national award from the Creative Learning Guild for his work promoting creativity in education. He is currently training to become a Froebel Trust endorsed Travelling Tutor and is a member of the Froebel Network.