This webinar explores the idea of 'unfoldment' with two-year-olds using slow motion video data. Recorded in June 2020.

This session includes an introduction to Froebel’s thinking with a focus on his concepts of “living with children”, unfoldment, and the interconnectedness of body and mind.

Maggie MacLure and Christina MacRae share data and early findings of the Listening-2 collaborative research project between Manchester Metropolitan University and Martenscroft Nursery School and Children’s Centre. A research project which has been funded by the Froebel Trust.

The webinar provides the researchers and participants of the project an opportunity to profile the potential of collaborative viewing of slow-motion video clips as a way for parents and early years practitioners to ‘tune into’ children they care for. It is also an opportunity to highlight the particular significance of Manchester historically in promoting Froebelian pedagogies.

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